- Travel Information Management for Seamless Intermodal Transport
- Consortium: Nommon (project coordinator), ENAC, ETH Zurich, AENA, and EUROCONTROL.
- 2020 – 2022
- transit-h2020.eu

The project
TRANSIT is a research project funded under SESAR 2020 Exploratory Research. TRANSIT’s vision is that of a multimodal European transport system where the different modes are seamlessly integrated, so that passengers travel from door to door in an efficient, sustainable and resilient manner. Realising this vision requires coordinated planning and collaborative decision-making across transport modes, as well as multimodal information systems that allow passengers to plan and reconfigure their journeys in real time.
TRANSIT aimed to bring together recent advances in mobility data analytics and long-distance multimodal travel modelling to develop a methodological framework and a set of software tools that would support the design, implementation and evaluation of new intermodal concepts and solutions based on a better integration of the European air transport system with ground transport modes.
The project had the following goals:
- The high-level specification of a set of innovative intermodal concepts based on information sharing between the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system and ground transport modes, including collective public transport, but also the new mobility options grouped under the banner of ‘smart mobility’, such as shared mobility and demand responsive transport.
- Identify a set of multimodal performance indicators that allow a comprehensive assessment of the contribution of each transport mode to the quality, efficiency and resilience of the total door-to-door trip.
- Develop new data analysis methods and algorithms for the detailed reconstruction of the different stages and attributes of long-distance multimodal trips.
- Create a modelling and simulation framework to represent annual long-distance travel at the national scale, enabling the evaluation of the effect of different intermodal solutions and passenger information systems on long-distance travel behaviour and the resulting impact on the multimodal KPIs.
- Carry out an impact assessment of the proposed intermodal concepts based on their simulation for the Spain-Madrid and France-Paris case studies, and a set of guidelines and recommendations for the further development and practical implementation of those solutions identified as more promising.

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) under grant agreement Nº 893209. The SJU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme and the SESAR JU members other than the Union.