The project
The CONDUCTOR project aims to design, integrate and demonstrate advanced, high-level traffic and fleet management that enable efficient and globally optimal transport of passengers and goods, while ensuring seamless multimodality and interoperability. By using innovative dynamic balancing and priority-based vehicles management (both automated and conventional) CONDUCTOR builds upon state-of-the-art fleet and traffic management solutions within the cooperative, connected and automated mobility ecosystem (CCAM) to develop next generation simulation models and tools, empowered by machine learning and data fusion, enhancing the capabilities of transport authorities and operators and allowing them to assume the role of “conductors” of future mobility networks.
The project upgrades existing technologies to position autonomous vehicles at the core of future cities, promoting heightened safety and flexible, responsive, centralised control capable of efficiently managing traffic and fleets. These innovations will contribute to reduce urban traffic and congestion, decrease pollution, and deliver higher quality of life. The project’s innovations will be integrated into a shared, open platform, and validated through three use cases (UCs), testing the interoperability of traffic management systems and the integration of different transportation modes for both people and goods. UC1 integrates traffic management with intermodality, UC2 tests demand-response transport, and UC3 focuses on urban logistics. Each use case and its demonstrations will incorporate real-life to validate the simulations.
The project CONDUCTOR has the following goals:
- Develop solutions for traffic management that take into account CCAM services for both people and goods.
- Achieve intermodal and interoperable interfaces between traffic management systems.
- Assess various traffic flow prioritisation strategies under real operating conditions.
- Evaluate a series of strategies to optimise the use of the network by balancing demand and capacity.
- Consider the governance of the traffic management addressing user needs.
Nommon’s role in CONDUCTOR
Nommon will spearhead the urban logistics use case of the project, in which we will investigate and propose solutions for last-mile delivery based on the integration of urban distribution of goods in the existing on-demand passengers’ transport services. Additionally, Nommon will contribute to the integrated traffic management with inter-modality use case, which will be focussed on the management of events/incidents for recovering the transport network operations, considering connected and autonomous vehicles which are not yet largely deployed in the cities. Both use cases will be demonstrated in Madrid.
To address the use cases, Nommon will develop three solutions, building upon their existing offerings, in order to:
- Enrich user profile with characteristics like car ownership or household structure, and better characterise trips related to goods transport.
- Expand the shared mobility demand forecast model to encompass other shared mobility services while enhancing consideration of competition among different services.
- Thoroughly analyse the impact of new CCAM services on the multimodal transport network and take into account their potential network-balancing effect.

The CONDUCTOR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nº 101077049.