Research projects published on Smart cities

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BAMBOO developed new methodologies and algorithms to extract travel demand information from anonymised mobile network data and to integrate such information into state-of-the-art transport simulation systems and interactive visualisation tools.



DIGITWIN4CIUE aims to train the future leaders of a digitally transformed civil engineering sector through an international joint master’s degree programme on the application of digital twins to civil engineering and through a Centre of Excellence that accelerates the digital transformation of the civil engineering sector in Europe.

2018 - 2022
Smart cities, Tourism


POLDER aimed to design, develop, and deploy a software suite to support governments in the elicitation, design, and application of policymaking. Nommon’s participation in the project was centred in the use case of smart tourism.



SOTERIA aims to accelerate the achievement of the Vision Zero EU goal through a holistic framework of innovative models, tools and services that enable data driven urban safety intelligence, facilitate safe travelling of vulnerable road users, and foster the safe integration of micromobility services in complex environments.

2021 - 2022
Aviation, Smart cities


USEPE explored potential drone separation methods to ensure the safety of operations in urban environments, with a particular focus on densely populated areas.



WalkFlow aims to develop a tool for monitoring and predicting pedestrian flows by combining anonymised mobile network data and location data from mobile apps to help cities better understand pedestrian mobility and assist them in the design and implementation of new urban interventions.



AVENUE is an AI4Cities project that aimed to develop an AI-based decision support tool for designing and monitoring shared mobility regulatory frameworks oriented towards the reduction of GHG emissions.



MOMENTUM aimed at developing a set of new data analysis methods, transport models, and planning support tools to capture the impact of new transport options on the urban mobility ecosystem, in order to support cities in the task of designing the right policy mix to exploit the full potential of these emerging mobility solutions.



INSIGHT aimed to investigate how ICT, with particular focus on data science and complexity theory, can help European cities formulate and evaluate policies to stimulate a balanced economic recovery and a sustainable urban development.



EUNOIA sought to take advantage of the opportunities brought by smart city technologies and the most recent advances in complex systems science to develop new urban models and ICT tools empowering city governments and their citizens to design better mobility policies.