Transit Insights
Analysing public transport demand with smart payment data
Transit Insights is a software platform that integrates data from smart fare collection systems, vehicle location systems and automatic passenger counters to provide public transport authorities and operators with an accurate, reliable and permanently updated picture of public transport demand, allowing them to plan and adjust services accordingly.
Key features
- Reconstruction of passenger trips: alighting/exit point estimation from the historical tap-in validation data of each user.
- Passenger profiling and trip characterisation: number of legs, duration, distance, purpose, frequency, etc.
- Aggregation into origin-destination matrices, transfer statistics, etc.
- Passenger load indicators by integrating vehicle capacity data.
- Public transport modal share by comparing with total mobility flows.
“We have observed a growing trend in the combined use of our Transit Insights and Mobility Insights solutions. More and more cities and regions around the world are realising the enormous potential of fusing mobile network data and smart payment data: the combination of both data sources provides the best possible picture of the evolution of mobility patterns and travel demand, facilitating the early detection of changes in modal preferences, enabling a cost-effective recalibration of strategic transport models, and ultimately supporting the formulation of better public transport policies.”
Javier Burrieza
Senior Business Development Engineer at Nommon
Transport planning
Transit Insights enables transport authorities to understand the behaviour of public transport users in a city or region, helping them improve the usage and the level of services of public transport systems.
Transport modelling
Transit Insights can be used in conjunction with Nommon Mobility Insights to obtain accurate trip matrices of urban and metropolitan areas segmented by transport mode.
Transport operations
Transport operators can use Transit Insights to monitor passenger load and dynamically adjust supply according to the evolving behaviour of demand.
Key benefits
- Avoid expensive sensor deployment by leveraging the data already being collected by smart ticketing systems.
- Accurate, detailed, continuously updated information on the usage of public transport systems.
- Reliable, extensively validated algorithms for the estimation of alighting stops.
- Agile implementation: compatible with GTFS and NeTex standards and with multiple ticketing data models.
- Possibility of integration with Nommon Mobility Insights to obtain multimodal origin-destination matrices.
What we deliver (and how)
- Transit Insights can be accessed as a SaaS solution or deployed on premise.
- Customisable and user-friendly visual interface to explore the output indicators.
- Download public transport demand indicators in reusable formats (e.g., csv, json).
- Seamless integration with other tools (e.g., CAD/AVL, digital twins) through APIs.
- Complementary consulting services (e.g., support for using the demand data in the development of transport models).