Categoría: Smart cities



    The project Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and emerging mobility solutions such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs), new shared mobility services, and demand responsive transport are bringing radical changes to urban mobility. The MOMENTUM project aimed to develop a set of new data analysis methods, transport models, and planning support […]



    The project INSIGHT (Innovative Policy Modelling and Governance Tools for Sustainable Post-Crisis Urban Development) is a research project funded under the ICT Theme of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme. INSIGHT aimed to investigate how ICT can help European cities formulate and evaluate policies to stimulate a balanced economic recovery and a sustainable urban development. […]



    The project EUNOIA (Evolutive User-centric Networks for Intraurban Accessibility) is a research project funded under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme ICT Programme. The goal of EUNOIA was to take advantage of the opportunities brought by smart city technologies and the most recent advances in complex systems science to develop new urban models and ICT […]