AVENUE final review event in Amsterdam

On 11 and 12 October, the companies participating in Phase 3 of the AI4Cities programme travelled to Amsterdam for the final project review.
AI4Cities is coming to an end, and to celebrate the final review of the projects that made it to Phase 3, the European programme organised a two-days meeting in Amsterdam with all the participating companies. During the different sessions, suppliers were able to meet with the buyers group to present the final outcomes of the projects and explain how their solutions contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the fields of mobility and energy.
Representatives from Nommon attended the meeting to present the progress made in AVENUE — an AI-based decision support tool for designing and monitoring shared mobility regulatory frameworks, a project developed in partnership with Populus — and its GHG emissions reduction potential in the two cities where the solution was piloted: Stavanger and Tallinn.
The first day of the meeting was focused on the solutions’ final progress review. The suppliers of the seven projects that moved on to Phase 3 (four from the energy lot and three from the mobility lot) met with representatives from the participating cities to discuss the main activities conducted during the pilots and the feedback gathered from test-users. Nommon presented the work performed in Stavanger and Tallinn, giving special attention to the CO2 reduction estimation in both piloting sites and the commercialisation potential of the solution.
The second day suppliers were invited to the AI4Cities booth at the World Summit AI, the world’s leading and largest AI summit , to pitch their solution to potential clients and investors. Nommon was able to showcase the latest version of the AVENUE platform during the event. In addition, the solutions were presented in several panels as examples of different innovations that can help to accelerate cities’ transition towards carbon neutrality.
Although this was the final official event of the AI4Cities programme, Nommon and Populus will continue to work in the coming months to further improve AVENUE and to explain its potential to enable authorities and operators to design, plan and manage shared mobility systems in their cities in a more sustainable way.