Publicaciones científicas

Estos son algunos de los artículos publicados por nuestro equipo en revistas científicas


A methodology for evaluating UAM noise and visual pollution

Baena, M., Alonso, M., Mocholí, D., LeGriffon, I., Ruaud, E., Barrado, C., Ganić, E., Krstić Simić, T. (2024).

Proceedings of the 2024 SESAR Innovation Days.

Airport accessibility surveys and mobile phone records data fusion for the analysis of air travel behaviour

Gregg, A., Blasco-Puyuelo, J., Jordá-Muñoz, R., Martínez, I. M., Burrieza-Galán, J., & Ros, O. C. (2024).

Transportation Research Procedia, 76, 269-282. 12th International Conference on Transport Survey Methods.

An agent-based model for technology adoption in Air Traffic Management

Baena, M., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Mocholí, D., Gil, P., García, A. (2024).

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2716, 13th EASN International Conference on: Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons.

Identification and characterisation of passenger archetypes based on annual longdistance travel patterns

Bueno-González, J., de Boissieu, M., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Herranz, R. (2024).

Proceedings of the 2024 SESAR Innovation Days.

U-Space Social and Environmental Performance Indicators

Krstić Simić, T., Ganić, E., Mirković, B., Baena, M., LeGriffon, I., Barrado, C. (2024).

Drones. 2024; 8(10):580.

Using App Usage Data From Mobile Devices to Improve Activity-Based Travel Demand Models

González-Rodríguez, A. B., Burrieza-Galán, J., Vinagre-Díaz, J.J., Peirats-de Castro I., Richard-Wilby, M., and García Cantú-Ros, O. (2024).

IEEE Transactions on Big Data, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 633-643, Oct. 2024.


A machine learning approach for predicting airport passenger flows

Blasco-Puyuelo, J., Burrieza-Galán, J., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Herranz, R., Mocholí, D. (2023).

Proceedings of the 2023 SESAR Innovation Days.

Air-rail timetable synchronisation for seamless multimodal passenger travel: a case study for Valencia-Lanzarote door-to-door journeys

Bueno-González, J., Burrieza-Galán, J., G. Cantú-Ros, O., Livingston, C., Penazzi, S., Buire, C., Marzuoli, A., Delahaye, D. (2023).

Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 71, 2023, Pages 85-92. ISSN 2352-1465.

Identification of long-distance tour purpose through ML-based data fusion techniques for combining mobile network and survey data

Burrieza-Galán, J., Martín, I., Nicolai, F., Monroig, J., Torres, J., Picornell, M. (2023).

Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 71, 2023, Pages 93-100. ISSN 2352-1465.

Is Shared Mobility Equally Accessible to All? An Income Analysis of Service Adoption

Martín, I., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Burrieza-Galán, J. (2023).

In Nathanail, E.G., Gavanas, N., Adamos, G. (eds) Smart Energy for Smart Transport. CSUM 2022. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure. Springer, Cham.

Leveraging passengers’ mobile network data for an integrated air-rail frequency planning in Spain

Buire, C., Delahaye, D., Mongeau, M., Marzuoli, A., Bueno-Gonzalez, J., Artime, R., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Burrieza-Galán, J. (2023).

Proceedings of the 2023 SESAR Innovation Days.


A novel validation approach for validating the simulation model of a passengers’ airport terminal: case study Palma de Mallorca airport

Scala, P., Mota, M. M., Blasco-Puyuelo, J, Cantú Ros, O. G., Blasco, C. (2022).

In 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium.

Data fusion for the analysis of air travel behavior: Application to Palma de Mallorca Airport

Blasco, J., Blasco, C., Jordá, R., Burrieza, J., Cantú Ros, O. G., Mocholí, D. (2022).

Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.

Active learning metamodelling for R-NEST

Sanchez-Cauce, R., Riis, C., Antunes, F., Mocholí, D., Cantu Ros, O. G., Camara Pereira, F., Herranz, R., Lima Azevedo, C. (2022).

Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.

Identification of traffic patterns and selection of representative traffic samples for the assessment of ATM performance problems

Sánchez-Cauce, R., Mocholí, D., Cantú Ros, O. G., Herranz, R., Rodríguez, R., Tello, F., Fabio, A. (2022).

Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.

Developing a Multilevel Decision Support Tool for Urban Mobility

Salanova, J.M., Ayfantopoulou, G., Magkos, E., Mallidis, I., Maleas, Z., Narayanan, S., Antoniou, C., Tympakianaki, A., Martin, I. & Fajardo-Calderin, J. (2022).

Sustainability, 14(13), 7764.

A model for a safer drone’s operation in an urban environment

Aurilla Arntzen Bechina, A., Nistal Cabañas, E., Güldal, S., Henrik Dahle, O., Bueno, J., Dullweber, M., Giersch, S., Coyne, M. (2022).

International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) 2022, pp. 73-77.

Estudio de la movilidad con tecnología Big Data: posibilidades por explorar

Burrieza-Galán, J. (2022).

Papeles de Economía Española, (171), 125-175.

A methodology for understanding passenger flows combining mobile phone records and airport surveys: Application to Madrid-Barajas Airport after the COVID-19 outbreak

Burrieza-Galán, J., Jordá, R., Gregg, A., Ruiz, P., Rodríguez, R., Sala, M.J., Torres, J., García-Albertos, P., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Herranz, R. (2022).

Journal of Air Transport Management, Volume 100, 2022, 102163.


Technology adoption in air traffic management: A combination of agent-based modeling with behavioral economics

Roungas, B., Raghothama, J., Baena, M., Garcia Cantú, O., Alcolea, R., & Herranz, R. (2021).

In 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1-12). IEEE.

Unveiling airline preferences for pre-tactical route forecast through machine learning. An innovative system for ATFCM pre-tactical planning support

Mateos Villar, M., Martín, I., Alcolea, R., Herranz, R., García Cantú-Ros, O., and Prats Menéndez, X. (2021).

Proceedings of the 11th SESAR Innovation Days.

Estudio de la movilidad interprovincial en España mediante la fusión de datos de telefonía móvil con otras fuentes de datos

Torres, J., Olivos, C., Picornell, M.; Cantú Ros, O. G., Herranz, R. (2021).

20° Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería de Transporte.

Alternative futures for shared mobility systems: impacts on transport planning tools and techniques

Burrieza-Galán, J., Rodríguez Vázquez. R., Cantú-Ros, O.G., Aifadopoulou G., Salanova Grau J., Konstantinidou M., Frederix R., Pápics P. (2021).

Transportation Research Procedia 58, 230–237. 14th Conference on Transport Engineering: 6th – 8th July 2021.

Exploring Future UDPP Concepts through Computational Behavioral Economics

Mocholí González D., Alcolea Arias, R., Herranz, R. (2021).

Proceedings of the 14th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2021).

The city turned off: Urban Dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic based on mobile phone data

Romanillos, G., García Palomares, J.C., Moya Gomez, B., Gutiérrez, J., Torres, J., López, M., García Cantú-Ros, O., Herranz, R. (2021).

Applied Geography, 134, 102524.

Cataloging and Assessing City-Scale Mobility Data

Aifadopoulou, G., Burrieza Galán, J., Masegosa, A., Salanova Grau J.M., Boufidis, N., Martínez I.M., Fernandez-Muga, P., Cantú Ros, O. (2021).

In: Nathanail E.G., Adamos G., Karakikes I. (eds) Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems. CSUM 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1278. Springer, Cham.

Future Scenarios for Mobility Innovations and Their Impacts in Cities and Transport Models

Burrieza Galán, J., Rodríguez Vázquez, R., Cantú Ros, O.G., Aifadopoulou, G., Salanova Grau, J.M., Konstantinidou, M., Frederix, Péter Pápics, R. (2021).

In: Nathanail E.G., Adamos G., Karakikes I. (eds) Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems. CSUM 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 1278. Springer, Cham.


Analyzing door-to-door travel times through mobile phone data

García-Albertos, P., Cantú Ros, O.G., & Herranz, R. (2020).

CEAS Aeronautical Journal 11, 345–354.

Creating the future airport passenger experience: IMHOTEP

Mota, M. M., Scala, P., Herranz, R., Schultz, M., & Jimenez, E. (2020).

Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 171-178.

Visual Analytics in the Aviation and Maritime Domains

Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Fuchs, G., Rüping, S., Cordero, J.M., Scarlatti, D., Vouros, G.A., Herranz, R., & Marcos, R. (2020).

In Big Data Analytics for Time-Critical Mobility Forecasting (pp. 59-84). Springer, Cham.

Full-scale pre-tactical route prediction

Mateos, M., Martín, I., García, P., Herranz, R., Cantú-Ros, O. G., & Prats, X. (2020).

9th International Conference for Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT).

Predicting Requested Flight Levels with Machine Learning

Mateos, M., Martín, I., García,Garcia, P., Alcolea, R., P., Herranz, R., Cantú-Ros, O. G., & Prats, X. (2020).

Proceedings of the 10th SESAR Innovation Days.

Evaluation of flight prioritization mechanisms through agent-based modelling

Mocholí González D., Alcolea Arias, R., Herranz, R. (2020).

Proceedings of the 10th SESAR Innovation Days.


Population dynamics based on mobile phone data to improve air pollution exposure assessments

Picornell, M., Ruiz, T., Borge, R., García-Albertos, P., de la Paz, D., & Lumbreras, J. (2019).

Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology, 29(2), 278.

Exploring the potential of mobile phone records and online route planners for dynamic accessibility analysis

García-Albertos, P., Picornell, M., Salas-Olmedo, M.H., & Gutiérrez, J. (2019).

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 125, 294-307.

Mobile phone records to feed activity-based travel demand models: MATSim for studying a cordon toll policy in Barcelona

Bassolas, A., Ramasco, J.J., Herranz, R., & Cantú Ros, O. G. (2019).

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 121, 56-74.

Fusing mobile phone data with other data sources to generate input OD matrices for transport models

Montero Mercadé, L., Ros-Roca, X., Herranz, R., & Barceló Bugeda, J. (2019).

Transportation Research Procedia, 37, 417-424.

Enhanced Passenger Characterisation through the Fusion of Mobile Phone Records and Airport Surveys

Burrieza, J., Rodríguez, R., Ruiz, P., Sala, M.J., Torres, J., García, P., Cantú Ros, O.G., & Herranz, R. (2019).

Proceedings of the 9th SESAR Innovation Days.


Application of machine learning for ATM performance assessment: identification of sources of en-route flight inefficiency

Marcos, R., Herranz, R., Rodríguez Vázquez, R., García-Albertos, P., and García-Cantú, O. (2018).

Proceedings of the 8th SESAR Innovation Days.

Visual analytics of flight trajectories for uncovering decision making strategies

Andrienko, G., Andrienko, N., Fuchs, G., Scarlatti, D., Garcia, J.M., Vouros, G., Herranz, R., & Marcos, R. (2018).

Proceedings of the 8th SESAR Innovation Days.


Combining Visual Analytics and Machine Learning for Route Choice Prediction Application to Pre-Tactical Traffic Forecast

Marcos, R., García-Cantú Ros, O., & Herranz, R. (2017).

Proceedings of the 7th SESAR Innovation Days.

An Agent-Based Auction Model for the Analysis of the Introduction of Competition in ATM

Torres, J., Toribio, D., Marcos, R., Ros, O. C., & Herranz, R. (2017).

Proceedings of the 7th SESAR Innovation Days.

Understanding Door-to-Door Travel Times from Opportunistically Collected Mobile Phone Records: A Case Study of Spanish Airports

García Albertos, P., García-Cantú Ros, O., Ciruelos, C., & Herranz, R. (2017).

Proceedings of the 7th SESAR Innovation Days.


Transport Models and Big Data Fusion: Lessons from Experience

Willumsen, L.G. & M. Picornell (2016).

Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2016.

Big data analytics for a passenger-centric ATM system: A case study of door-to-door intermodal passenger journey inferred from mobile phone data

Garcıa, P., Ramasco, J. J., Andrienko, G., Adler, N., Ciruelos, C., & Herranz, R. (2016).

Proceedings of the 6th SESAR Innovation Days.


Comparing and modelling land use organization in cities

Lenormand, M., Picornell, M., García Cantú-Ros, O., Louail, T., Herranz, R., Barthelemy, M., Frías-Martínez, E., San Miguel, M., & J. Ramasco, J. (2015).

Royal Society Open Science Volume 2, Issue 12.

Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior

Picornell, M., Ruiz, T., Lenormand, M., Ramasco, J. J., Dubernet, T., & Frías-Martínez, E. (2015).

Transportation, 42(4), 647-668.

Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility

Lenormand, M., Louail, T., García-Cantú Ros, O., Picornell, M., Herranz, R., Arias, J. M., Barthelemy, M., San Miguel, M., & Ramasco, J. J. (2015).

Scientific Reports, 5, 10075.

Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

Louail, T., Lenormand, M., Picornell, M., Cantú, O. G., Herranz, R., Frias-Martinez, E., Ramasco, J.J., & Barthelemy, M. (2015).

Nature Communications, 6(1), 1-8.

Price-setting auctions for airport slot allocation: a multi-airport case study

Herranz, R., Toribio, D., Ramírez, M., Villafáñez, F., Araúzo, J.A., Poza, D., Alsina, N., Garrigó, L., Castelli L., and Bolic, T. (2015).

Proceedings of the 5th SESAR Innovation Days.


From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities

Louail, T., Lenormand, M., Ros, O. G. C., Picornell, M., Herranz, R., Frias-Martinez, E., Ramasco, J.J., & Barthelemy, M. (2014).

Scientific Reports, 4, 5276.

Cross-checking different sources of mobility information

Lenormand, M., Picornell, M., Cantú-Ros, O. G., Tugores, A., Louail, T., Herranz, R., Barthelemy, M., Frias-Martinez, E., & Ramasco, J. J. (2014).

PloS one, 9(8), e105184.

Urban Planning and Big Data—Taking LUTi Models to the Next Level

Serras, J., Bosredon, M., Herranz, R., & Batty, M. (2014).

Nordregio News, (1).


Airport slot allocation: performance of the current system and options for reform

Ranieri, A., Alsina, N., Castelli, L., Bolic, T., & Herranz, R. (2013).

Proceedings of the 3rd SESAR Innovation Days.